Touch Screen Solitaire Game

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Touch Screen Solitaire Game
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Find out more about solitaire card games here.Solitaire is a popular type of card game that can be played by a just a single player. It's often called Patience with over 150 different games devised.

We will introduce you to a few of them here.Just about all solitaire games are played with one or more standard card packs.The first objective is to play into position certain cards in order to build up each of the foundations, in suit and in sequence, from the ace to king. The ultimate goal is to build the pack onto the foundation stacks. If you can do that then you win the game.The also has a recent article about how regular mental activity is just as important as a physically active life. It has some ideas for activities that help with memory, creativity, attention and focus. Anything that strains your brain and helps build your cognitive reserve is a good thing.Card games like solitaire give us a familiar and easy way to stretch our brains by just a little bit each day.

By staying intellectually engaged in this way, we may give our brains added protection against the onset of memory loss in addition to relaxing and easing emotional distress.KlondikeKlondike solitaire is one of the better known of the family of patience games and what people usually mean when they refer to solitaire. It has been included in versions of Microsoft Windows since 1990. Microsoft Solitaire was developed by a summer intern after he had played a similar game on the Apple Mac and wanted a version for himself on Windows.

He did not receive any royalties for the game despite it being one of the most used applications of all time. He dropped in on a recent reddit article to give an update on what he's doing. You can read more about him hereFreeCellFree cell is different from other solitaire games in that it's possible to solve most games. It was actually created by Microsoft to include with their Windows operating system.SpiderSpider is one of the more popular 2-deck games. The aim of this game is to remove all cards from the table by assembling them in the tableau before removing them.More brain puzzlesThe United Kingdom's secret service organisation - GCHQ - added a cryptic twist to their 2015 Christmas card by including a baffling brainteaser.They sent out a complex grid-shading puzzle inside their Christmas cards.Successful codebreakers can uncover an image in the grid that will lead them to a series of tougher challenges. You can find it on the.ContactIf you have any suggestions for, you can get in touch with us by email atGo solitaire for when you need a break.

How To PlayKlondike Solitaire is one of the most popular single player card games. Often referred to as just solitaire or sometime patience.

Turning and Moving. Click the stock (on the upper left) to turn over cards onto the waste pile. Drag cards to move them between the waste pile, the seven tableau columns (at the bottom), and the four foundations. You can also double-click cards instead of dragging them to a foundation.

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Solitaire Rules The different pilesThere are four different types of piles in Solitaire. They are:. The Stock: The pile of facedown cards in the upper left corner.

Touch Screen Solitaire Game Free

The Waste: The faceup pile next to the Stock in the upper left corner. The Foundations: The four piles in the upper right corner.

Touch screen games

The Tableau: The seven piles that make up the main table.The setupThe Tableau piles are numbered from 1 to 7, pile 1 has 1 card, pile 2 has 2 cards and so on.The top card on each Tableau pile is turned face up, the cards below are turned face down.The cards that are left after setting up the Tableau are placed in the Stock, face down. The Wasteand the Foundations start off empty.The objectiveTo win Solitaire, you must get all the cards onto the Foundation piles. The Foundations are ordered by suitand rank, each Foundation has one suit and you must put the cards onto them in the order Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King.To get there, you can use the moves described below.Allowed moves.

Flip cards from the Stock onto the Waste. You can flip either 1 or 3 cards from theStock onto the Waste.

The number can be configured in Options. Move a card from the Waste onto the Foundations. If the top card of the Waste cango onto one of the Foundations then you can drag it there. Move a card from the Waste onto the Tableau. You can move the top card of the Waste ontoone of the Tableau piles.

Move a card from a Foundation back onto the Tableau. You can move the top card of a Foundation back onto the Tableau. This isn't allowed in all Solitaire versions, but we allow it here:). Move one or more cards from one Tableau pile to another. You can move a face up card onthe Tableau onto another Tableau pile, if that pile's top card is one higher than the moved card and in adifferent color.

For example, you could move a red 6 onto a black 7. Or, if you have red 6, black 5, red 4face up on one tableau, you can move all of them at the same time onto a Tableau with a black 7. If youhave an empty Tableau pile then you can only place a king there. You can flip a face down Tableau card. If you have moved a face up card from a Tableau pileso now the top card is face down, then you can click the face down card and it will be flipped and shown face up. You can move a Tableau card onto the Foundations. You can do this manually if you need toclear some space on the Tableau.

You can either drag the cards onto the Foundation, or just double click it and then it willgo there by itself. When all cards on the Tableau are turned up, and all cards from the stock are finishedthen the game will automatically move all the Tableau cards onto the Foundations, since at that point you are guaranteedto win the game. You can Undo as many times as you like.


The game offers unlimited undos. Each Undo counts as a new move though,so if you're trying to win the game in as few moves as possible you should be careful about how many undos you use.Time and MovesThe game counts the moves you make, and measures the time it takes to finish the game, so you can compete against your previous best gamesif you want.

Currently there is no scoring like in the Windows Solitaire, if someone is interested in this then contact me at admin@cardgames.ioand I'll see what I can do. My name is Einar Egilsson and I created this online version of Solitaire. I've made a few card gamesbefore but this is the first Solitaire game I've done.

Touch Screen Solitaire Game

It's been fun to make, I hope youenjoy playing it.If you have any questions, comments or requests for other solitaire gamesyou can send them toor tweet at me.Many thanks go to, who createdthe excellent playing card images that I use for the game.If you like this game check out my other card games, and please share them onFacebook/Twitter/Google+This is version 2094 of Solitaire.This website uses cookies to store your preferences, and for advertising purposes. Read more in our.

Touch Screen Solitaire Game