Transformers War For Cybertron Mods

2020. 1. 24. 14:47카테고리 없음

Transformers War For Cybertron Mods

Jun 27, 2013 - Update Shadows fixed/Hud changes. Fixed/Removed: - All Ghosthing fixed (smoke, fog, etc.) - Icons Highlight 2D fixed - Lensflares removed. Transformers: War for Cybertron Message Board for PC - GameFAQs ↑ PC version ini - TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards ↑ XeNTaX. View topic - Transformers: War for Cybertron unpack ↑ NVIDIA Anti-Aliasing guide - NVIDIA GeForce Drivers - VideoCardz Forums ↑ FPS UNLOCKER by Psych - keep stickied and rep - Steam Users' Forums.

Nvidia rates games pretty much randomly. They are terrible. The geforce page for 3d vision is pretty much a strong example of that, it lists games that are terrible in 3d vision as supported borderlands 2 I had to mod, and they rate it not recommendedGo here ORaccurate ratings.This is how nvidia profiles work. They have 3 actual profiles. A / B / C.They check which one works 'best' for the game. Often it still looks terrible but thats the best they get out of it.Sometimes when we fix games we don't use the profile attached to the game like this game has profile A but we want profile C.Well listing a game as not recommended is something I agree with, some people will only buy a game if it has 3D vision support.

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War For Cybertron Steam

So it will save us time/money. The problem is when they rate something good when it should be not recommended. Yeah, now I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes on WfC. I removed the.dll file to disable it and try to see if I could see a huge difference going back, and the only things that I did notice was a single lens flare and 2D icon that I didn't ever see when I had the fix in place.

Transformers War For Cybertron Mods

Also, while riding up in an elevator, my character seemed to be a bit blurry without the fix, which I never noticed before, so I wondered if that was DoF in effect. This change did, however, coincide with me starting the Autobots campaign, and I had played with the fix for the entire Decepticons campaign, so that could account for some things (like the 2D icons I saw was to revive falling NPC's which is possible I never saw for the Decep' campaign because they are evil bastards that don't revive each other, lol).I think what actually made a noticeable difference was getting a good convergence & depth setting. I'm used to running high depth in most of my games, but this is definitely one game where it's much better to run at a lower depth and higher convergence since the targeting reticle/HUD is at depth (as are many of the visual effects), and raising the convergence pushes it forward ahead of your character for better aiming, and seems to make some of the other lighting/shadows look more in place.Anyways, I still think that the fix does make some minor changes, but it's not quite as important as good D/C settings.

Transformers War For Cybertron Mods